Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

Lirik Lagu Crying Softly penyanyi Apple Green

Penyanyi / Artist : Apple Green

Crying Softly
Apple Green
She sits alone now

Pondering her fate

Life's can be unfair

It gives and takes away

The baby starts to cry

She keeps on asking why ?

Her tears are already dry

She keeps on asking why ?

Why must there be war ?

People fighting and killing

So much is destroyed

So much taken away

There are people dying

Many more crying

Why so much destruction ?

We need salvation

He left the home one day

To serve his country

Loyalty and love

With lots of courage

He promises to come back

Says don't be afraid

Little does he know

There ain't no turning back

She still sits alone

waitting for him

She now it's the end

He's not coming back

The train slowly passes

He doesn't get down

She slowly walk away

Softly crying

dari Hunter Adam

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