Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

Lirik Lagu It’s A Nice Day To Be Alive penyanyi Poetic Ammo

Penyanyi / Artist : Poetic Ammo

It's A Nice Day To Be Alive
Poetic Ammo
We live in Malaysia. A land which I would say is Paradise.

I tell myself everyday I'm gifted to be born here because

all around the world people are dying fighting over religion,

race, human rights and so on. Say I will loud and proud that

of all earthly riches we have peace and freedom.

All religions and races living prosperously in one place.

And of all technologies we have tradition amd culture.

Something for the souls of our children growing in a

world speeding so selfishly. It's a nice day to be alive.

Bounce your head and get down with us

Throw your hands if your hands if you really must

Just get up stand up don't fuss

Tell em why

Ultraviolet beams shinin' bright on my eyes

I realise how daily life could be so nice

If you appreciate

Uncountable blessings in life which we underrate

{I take a moment lay back reflect detect

All the memorable times that I had in the pack}

Cherishin' family and friends I clasp my hands
And gaze the lands surroundin' me

Malaysia land of peace and harmony

Wondrous fabulous things you never realised

Begin to unfold materialise before your eyes

Miraculously enjoyin' tea in the mamak joint

Somethin' in life with a significant point

So I thank God for blessin' me a family

That cares for me mad love for my homies

Everybody gather around the time has arrive now say

It's a nice day to be alive

Are you feeling lucky come and take a chance with me

If you go against me I'm gonna treat you as my enemy

Ill-fated forget it you can't win I'm in

I came out I survived I made it

I've had so much good fortune

A turn for the better for me comes often

Shines and as my life goes on

I give everything I got so you remember this song

I'm thankful that my life's eventful

A blessing in disguise in other words peaceful

There's someone up there who likes me

Lady Luck's with me never gonna flip me

{Reflect on your life don't be amazed

By all the things that the gods did for you}

Take a look outside and see the clear blue sky

It's a nice day to be alive

It's the final journey from earth to heaven

And hell and death and the creep gets to

My head life is just like a trap and my

Heart beats but life is indeed beautiful

But the greed to be alive turns us blind from

That unseen shinning bright light like a

Magnet pulling to the other side so let me

Pray that I will stay alive and knowing

That I gave a fight that's right for my life

Uhh gives me the fright alright

Riskin' and stakin' and playin' you might

Die you'll read the word hell between

Your eyes Death never recognise faces

Religion races if you die dust to dust

And ashes to ashes your cries to save

One single life ain't simple crippled

Mentally when your loved ones dies but I

Realise I will survive in this game

You know why ? Coz it's a nice day to be alive

The break of dawn awake I smile with the rising sun

No rat-tat-tat coz no posse here carry a gun

You better run , drug dealer or gangster you be either one

The fun stops when the judge says you be hung

Surprise , surprise that is Malaysia so recognise

Put you in check if you try to mess with my bowl of rice

The price ! of freedom we paid in the past wasn't cheap

So we stand to ban all vice straight No creep

Complain ?!? Be vain in the land of sun and rain

Opportunity in every corner no pain , no gain

Touch my Amma's feet for blessings before I go

Thankful so much for what I got dear Lord me lettin' you know

A Blow ! To homeboys who wannabe gangsters

There's no racial war here calibrate your logic sensor

Torment'ah if your ego fits all size

Realise wake up wise up It's a nice day to be alive

dari Yanti Os'HaRa

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