Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

Lirik Lagu Last Flight Out penyanyi Plus One

Penyanyi / Artist : Plus One

Last Flight Out
Plus One
I`m so scared that you will see

All the weakness inside of me

I`m so scared of letting go

All the pain i hid will show

I know you want to hear me speak

But i`m afraid that if i start to

I`ll never stop

I want you to know

You belong in my life

I love the hope

I see in you eye

For you i would fly

At least i would try

For you i`ll take

The last flight out

I`m afraid that

you will leave

As my secret

Have been revealed

In my dream

you `ll always stay

Every breathing moment from now

I know you want to hear me speak

But i`m afraid that if i start to

I`ll never stop

I cannot hold back

The truth no more

I let you wait too long

Although it`s hard and scares me so

A life without you scares me more

Scares me more...

dari Vickey Lau

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